MN Health Care Directive

A health care directive is available for Minnesota residence only. The packet includes an introduction letter, copy of the "Imposed Death" 16-page magazine, one four-page Minnesota health care directive, and three two-page directives. For a free copy click select the “Free - Download” option and a link will be emailed to the address you provide during the checkout process (you will not be asked to provide credit card information for the free option).

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Today in every hospital—and almost every care facility or program in the United States—“stealth euthanasia” takes place. What is stealth euthanasia? Simply put, it’s when a treating physician, nurse, or care team provides legitimate medical treatment to intentionally end a human life.

You may have said to yourself, “Ah yes, I thought Great Uncle So and So wasn’t ready to die” or experienced pressure to stop life-saving treatment like this unfortunate spouse:

To my surprise and horror, during the exam I overheard the doctor giving my husband a sales pitch for assisted suicide. “Think of what it will spare your wife, we need to think of her,” he said...

So, what can you do to defend yourself and your loved ones?

Anyone can obtain a MInnesota health care directive to protect themselves during challenging medical situations. Unfortunately, most people are not aware these vital documents even exist. Human Life Alliance recommends all adults complete their own health care directive—including young people as soon as they turn 18.

Individuals of all ages and stages of life are at risk:

I received a call from my daughter’s school, she just went off to college. They said she was rushed to a hospital, but couldn’t tell me why. When my wife and I arrived, the doctors wouldn’t tell us what happened. They said we had no right to her medical information since she was an adult.

To help you protect your rights in these situations, Human Life Alliance has developed an informational packet for you. In this packet you will find the following:

  • An Introductory Letter
  • Imposed Death – a magazine on euthanasia and assisted suicide;
  • HLA's Minnesota Health Care Directive(s).

Simply read, designate an agent(s) who will represent you in health care situations if you are unable to communicate for yourself, sign under declarant, and have two people (not your agent) witness your signature. That’s it. You’ve taken the first step in protecting your health care rights. Next share it with your physician, nurse, and care team.