Do Americans Support Abortion Restrictions?

Research Indicates that Americans Support Abortion Limits at (2):
• 6 weeks (cardiac activity): 56%
• 14 weeks (1st Trimester): 66%
• 24 weeks (viability - 2nd Trimester): 78%

Abortions Performed in the USA By Gestational Age in 2021(3):
• 1st Trimester <13 weeks - 93%
• 14 to 20 weeks - 6%
• 21 weeks or more - 1% 


Are Abortions Coerced?
People assume that women freely choose abortion and that they are satisfied that it was the best decision for themselves. However, more and more peer- reviewed studies are being published which show that this is not the case. One recent study found that:

Are You Being Coerced?
No one has the right to force, coerce, or unduly pressure a woman to abort. If you or someone you know needs help or more information can us this QR code.



This content is available in a Fact Card for you to share with friends, family, or policy makers. We encourage you to order som to have on hand or use in your pro-life activities.  To order some, click here. 

Sources: 1 "Limitless" Abortion Up to Birth in USA 3 Harned, Mary E., J.D., and Mia Steupert, M.A. “Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms (April 2024)” Lozier Institute, 30 April 2024. to-international-norms/. Accessed 12 August 2024. |2“America’s Abortion Quandary.” Pew Research Institute, 6 May 2022. Accessed 17 October 2024.|3 2021 CDC Data 2 Diamant, Jeff, et al. “What the data says about abortion in the U.S.” Pew Research Center, 25 March 2024. the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-us/. Accessed 12 August 2024. |4 Gaitan, Elyse, et al. "Fact Sheet: Reasons for Abortion." Lozier Institute, 24 May 2024. https://lozierinstitute. org/fact-sheet-reasons-for-abortion/. Accessed 13 August 2024. |5 Reardon, David, et al. “The Effects of Abortion Decision Rightness and Decision Type on Women’s Satisfaction and Mental Health.” Cureus, 11 May 2023,